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Baba Metzia 9:6-7

Baba Metzia 9:6

If one person received a field from another (as a tenant) and locusts ravaged it or the wind blasted it, then if this happened throughout the area, the tenant can deduct money from his rent payments. If the problem was not common in the area, he may not deduct from his rent. Rabbi Yehuda says that if the rent is to be paid in cash (rather than in a volume of produce from the field), then the tenant may not deduct from his rent regardless of how widespread the event may or may not have been.

Baba Metzia 9:7

Let’s say that one person received a field from another at the rate of ten kor of wheat per year. If the crop was blasted by the wind, the tenant pays the landlord from it (even though it is inferior). If the wheat turns out exceptionally good, the tenant may not pay the landlord with lesser wheat from the marketplace; he must pay him with wheat from the field.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz