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Baba Metzia 9:8-9

Baba Metzia 9:8

If one person receives a field from another (as a renter) in order to plant barley, he may not plant wheat (which is more wear and tear on the soil); if he got it to plant wheat, he may plant barley, though Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel prohibits this as well. If he got the field to plant grain, he may not plant beans; if he got it to plant beans, he may plant grain, though Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel again disagrees.

Baba Metzia 9:9

If one person receives a field from another (as a renter) for several years (fewer than seven), he may not plant flax (which is hard on the soil) and he is not entitled to lumber from a sycamore tree. If he received the field for seven years, he may plant flax in the first year and cut lumber from the sycamore (since there is sufficient time for the soil to recuperate and for branches to re-grow before he returns the field to its owner).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz