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Baba Metzia 9:10-11

Baba Metzia 9:10

If one person receives a field from another (either as a sharecropper or a renter) for a “week of years” (i.e., a Sabbatical cycle) for 700 zuz, the arrangement includes the Sabbatical year. If he received it for seven years for 700 zuz, it does not include the Sabbatical year.

Baba Metzia 9:11

A worker hired to work by day can be paid throughout the night; one hired to work by night can be paid throughout the day. A worker hired by the hour can be paid throughout the night or throughout the day (as appropriate). Regarding a worker hired by the week, the month, the year or the Sabbatical cycle, if he finished his work during the day, he can be paid throughout the day; if he finished at night, he can be paid throughout the night or throughout the day.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz