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Sanhedrin 7:8-9

Sanhedrin 7:8

A Shabbos desecrator is one who performs an act that would render one liable to kareis (spiritual excision) if performed intentionally and to bring a sin offering if performed unintentionally. One who curses his father or mother is not liable until he curses them using God’s Name. If he cursed them using a euphemism, Rabbi Meir says he is liable and the Sages say he is exempt.

Sanhedrin 7:9

One who has sexual relations with a betrothed girl is not liable to stoning unless she is a naarah (a “maiden,” i.e., between the ages of 12 and 12 ½), a virgin, betrothed, and still living in her father’s house. (If these criteria are not met, it is still a capital offense but the penalty is strangulation.) If two men had sexual relations with her, the first is executed by stoning and the second by strangulation.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz