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Sanhedrin 9:6-10:1

Sanhedrin 9:6

If one steals a Temple vessel, curses God using the name of an idol, or has intimate relations with a non-Jewish woman, the zealous are permitted to take the law into their own hands. If a kohein served in a state of ritual impurity, the other kohanim do not take him to court but the young kohanim may take him outside the Temple courtyard, where they take the law into their own hands. If a non-kohein performed the Temple service, Rabbi Akiva says he is executed by strangulation and the Sages say that that his sentence is carried out by Heaven.

Sanhedrin 10:1

All Jews have a share in the Next World, as per Isaiah 60:21, “Your people are all righteous; they will inherit the land forever. The branch of My planting, the work of My hands, in which I take glory.” The following do not have a share in the Next World: one who denies that the revival of the dead is derived from the Torah, one who claims that the Torah is not of Divine origin, and a heretic. Rabbi Akiva includes those who read heretical books and those who whisper incantations over a wound, reciting Exodus 15:26, “I will put none of the diseases on you that I have put upon the Egyptians because I am Hashem Who heals you.” Abba Shaul includes one who pronounces God’s four-letter Name (YHVH) as it is written.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz