2,396. Handling Wine Accidentally

Maachalos Assuros 12:4

It is permitted for a non-Jew to move a closed vessel from place to place even though doing so causes the wine to move because this isn’t the way in which a libation is made. If a non-Jew moves a skin full of wine from place to place while a Jew holds the opening of the skin with his hand, it remains permitted. This is so regardless of whether the skin was completely or only partially full, and even though the wine moves. If he moves an open earthenware vessel full of wine, it’s rendered prohibited because he touched it; if it was only partially filled, it remains permitted unless he shook it.

Maachalos Assuros 12:5

If a non-Jew touches wine unintentionally, it only remains permitted for benefit. For example, if he fell on a wineskin or if he reached out to a barrel thinking that it contained oil only to find that it contained wine.