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Sanhedrin 11:4-5

Sanhedrin 11:4

A rebellious elder is not executed by the court in his city, nor by the court in Yavneh. Rather, they would bring him to the Great Sanhedrin in Jerusalem, where they would imprison him until yom tov. He would be executed on chol hamoed, as per Deuteronomy 17:13, “All the people shall hear and fear and no longer act presumptuously”; this is the opinion of Rabbi Akiva. Rabbi Yehuda says they did not delay such a person’s execution; rather, they would put him to death immediately, then write and send messengers to each place saying that person X the son of the person Y has been sentenced to death by the court.

Sanhedrin 11:5

A false prophet is one who prophesizes about something that he did not hear, which was not said to him; he is executed by the courts. An actual prophet who withholds his prophecy, a person who disregards the words of a prophet, and a prophet who violates his own words – all of these are executed by Heaven, as per Deuteronomy 18:19, “I will require it of him” (“it” referring to Divine punishment).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz