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Sanhedrin 11:6-Makkos 1:1

Sanhedrin 11:6

"One who prophesizes in the name of an idol" is a person who claims that an idol spoke to him – this is so even if he follows the law, properly declaring ritually unclean things to be unclean and ritually clean things to be clean. Regarding one who has sexual relations with a married woman, this includes a woman who enters her husband’s domain for purposes of marriage even if the couple has not yet consummated their relationship; if a man has sexual relations with such a woman, then he is liable to the penalty of strangulation. Witnesses who testify falsely against a kohein’s daughter and one who has sexual relations with her – this is specified because all the false witnesses are executed with the same death they sought for the one they framed except for false witnesses against a kohein’s daughter and one who has sexual relations with her (because, if guilty, the kohein’s daughter is liable to burning but false witnesses against her are liable to strangulation, which is the penalty for the one who has relations with her).

Makkos 1:1

False witnesses are dealt with as follows: If they testify that a certain kohein is the son of a divorced woman or a woman who underwent chalitzah (the shoe-removal ceremony, either of which renders a kohein unfit to serve), we do not say that the witness is rendered the son of a divorced woman or a woman who underwent chalitzah in his place. Rather, such a witness receives 40 lashes. If the witnesses testify that a person is liable to exile (for manslaughter), we do not say that the witness is exiled in his place. Again, the witness receives 40 lashes. If the witnesses testify that a man divorced his wife but did not pay her the value of her kesubah, since the kesubah might end up being paid at some point in the future, the court assesses how much an investor would be pay for her kesubah on the possibility that she might be widowed or divorced (in which case the investor would then receive the payment), but if she died, then her husband would inherit the value of her kesubah (in which case the investor would get nothing. The false witnesses are then fined this resulting amount.) If the witnesses testify that one person owes another 1,000 zuz with payment due in 30 days but the borrower says payment is due in 10 years, then the court assesses how much a person would pay for the luxury of repaying 1,000 zuz in ten years rather than in 30 days. (The witnesses are then fined this amount.)

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz