2,393. How We Used to Buy Wine

Maachalos Assuros 11:24

The utensils of a wine vat that were used by an idolator for non-Jewish wine can be purified for a Jew’s use as follows: the boards, the clay balls and the palm branches must be thoroughly rinsed. Holders of wood or canvas must be dried, while those of wetland grasses or bulrushes must be left for 12 months. If one wants to purify them for immediate use, he can put them in boiling water, cook them in water that was used to cook olives, or put them under a drain from which water constantly flows or in a stream of running water for 12 hours. Afterwards, they are permitted.

Maachalos Assuros 11:25

When Israel was completely in Jewish hands, one could buy wine from any Jew without concern; outside of Israel, they would only buy wine from someone with an established reputation. Nowadays, in every location, we only buy wine from a person with an established religious reputation. These rules also apply to meat, cheese and pieces of fish without identifying signs, as has already been discussed.