2,392. Kashering a Wine Filter

Maachalos Assuros 11:22

Regarding an earthenware wine vat, even if the pitch has been peeled, one may not tread grapes in it right away; it must be heated with fire until the pitch gets soft. If one leaves it for 12 months or puts water in it for three straight days, then it is permitted as has been discussed.

Maachalos Assuros 11:23

Regarding a filter that was used for non-Jewish wine, if it’s made of hair, it must be thoroughly rinsed and then it can be used as a filter. If it’s made of wool, it must be rinsed four times using water and ashes and then left to dry. If it’s made of flax, it must be left for 12 months. If it has knots, they must be untied. Regarding utensils of reeds, of date-palm fibers and similar things like wicker baskets that are used to tread grapes, if they were sewn with rope, they must be thoroughly rinsed. If they are all tangled and difficult to untie, they must be rinsed four times with ashes and water, after which they may be used. If they are sewn with flax, they must be left for 12 months and if they have knots, they must be untied.