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Makkos 2:8-3:1

Makkos 2:8

If an accidental killer was exiled to a city of refuge and the residents of that city wanted to honor him, he must tell them that he’s there because he killed. If they still wish to do so, he may accept the honor. This is derived from Deuteronomy 19:4, “This is the word of the accidental killer” (i.e., he has informed them). Those exiled to a city of refuge rented homes from the Leviim who lived there; this is the opinion of Rabbi Yehuda. Rabbi Meir says they were provided with housing. After his release, one who had been exiled returns to his previous position (such as head of a Tribe); this is the opinion of Rabbi Meir. Rabbi Yehuda says that he does not return to his previous position.

Makkos 3:1

A person is lashed for committing one of the following offenses: engaging in sexual relations with his sister, his father’s sister, his mother’s sister, his wife’s sister, his brother’s wife, his father’s brother’s wife or with a menstruant woman; for the marriage of a widow to a Kohein Gadol, of a divorcee or a woman who performed chalitzah (the shoe-removal ceremony) to an regular kohein, of a mamzeres or a Gibeonite woman to a Jew, or a Jewish woman to a Gibeonite man or a mamzer. If a Kohein Gadol marries a woman who is both a widow and a divorcee, he is liable for committing two offenses; if a kohein marries a woman who is both a divorcee and performed chalitzah, he is only liable for one offense.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz