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Makkos 3:6-7

Makkos 3:6

Regarding one who tattoos, if he wrote on his skin but did not scratch it into his flesh, or if he scratched into his flesh but did not write, he is not liable to lashes. One is not liable until he both writes and scratches using ink, eye paint, or anything else that leaves a mark. Rabbi Shimon said that one is not liable unless he writes the name of an idol as per Leviticus 19:28, “You shall not make any marks upon yourself; I am Hashem” (equating tattooing with idolatry).

Makkos 3:7

If a nazir (nazirite) drank wine all day long, he is liable once. If people repeatedly warned him not to drink wine and he drank, then he is liable for each drink.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz