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Makkos 3:8-9

Makkos 3:8

If a nazir (nazirite) rendered himself ritually unclean for the dead all day long, he is only liable once. If people repeatedly warned him not to render himself unclean and he did so, then he is liable for each occurrence. If he shaved all day long, he is only liable once. If people repeatedly warned him not to shave and he did so, then he is liable for each instance. If a person wore a garment of shaatnez (a prohibited mixture of wool and linen) all day long, he is only liable once. If people repeatedly warned him not to wear it and he took it off and put it back on, then he is liable for each occurrence.

Makkos 3:9

A person can plow one furrow and be liable for violating eight prohibitions, as follows: (1) if he plowed using an ox and a donkey (2-3) that were consecrated (4) among diverse species in a vineyard (5) in the sabbatical year (6) on yom tov and (7-8) he is both a kohein and a nazir in a ritually unclean place. Chananiah ben Chachinai said that the person in our scenario could also be wearing a garment of shaatnez. They said to him that this would not be part of the plowing scenario. He replied that neither is being a nazir.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz