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Shevuos 3:10-11

Shevuos 3:10

A verbal oath applies to both men and women, to both relatives and non-relatives, to both those fit and unfit to testify, whether or not the oath was made before a court, when stated by a person on his own (as opposed to having an oath imposed on him). The penalty for intentional violation of an oath is lashes and for unintentional violation, a korban olen v’yoreid (variable offering).

Shevuos 3:11

An oath taken in vain applies to both men and women, to both relatives and non-relatives, to both those fit and unfit to testify, whether or not the oath was made before a court, when stated by a person on his own. The penalty is lashes if it was taken intentionally and one is exempt if it was taken unintentionally. One is liable for either kind of oath if it was imposed by others. Therefore, if a person says that he didn’t eat or put on tefillin today, if the other person imposes an oath on him and he replies “amen,” then he is liable.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz