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Shevuos 7:2-3

Shevuos 7:2

The case of one who was robbed is as follows: witnesses testify that the defendant went into the victim’s house to seize collateral without permission. The victim claims that the defendant took property from him, which the defendant denies. In such a case, the victim takes an oath and is paid by the defendant. Rabbi Yehuda says that this is only the case if the defendant admits to part of the claim, such as if the victim says the defendant took two utensils and the defendant replies that he only took one.

Shevuos 7:3

The case of one who was injured is as follows: Witnesses testify that the victim went in to the defendant uninjured and came out injured. The victim claims that the defendant injured him, which the defendant denies. In such a case, the victim takes an oath and is paid damages by the defendant. Rabbi Yehuda says that this is only the case if the defendant admits to part of the claim, such as if the victim says the defendant inflicted two wounds upon him and the defendant replies that he only inflicted one.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz