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Eduyos 1:2-3

Eduyos 1:2

Shammai says that challah must be taken from dough that was made from a kav of flour (about a half-gallon); Hillel says from two kav. The Sages disagree with both opinions, maintaining that challah must be taken from dough that was made from a kav and a half of flour. When they increased the size of the measures, they said that challah must be taken from dough made from a kav and a quarter of flour using the new measure. Rabbi Yosi says that exactly a kav and a quarter is exempt from challah but that anything over that requires it.

Eduyos 1:3

Hillel says that a full hin of drawn water will disqualify a mikvah. He called it a hin (rather than 12 log – about 120 fl. oz.) because a person should use the language employed by his teachers; Shammai says that nine kav (36 log – about 360 fl. oz.) will disqualify a mikvah. The Sages disagree with both opinions. Two weavers came from the Dung Gate in Jerusalem and testified in the name of Shemaiah and Avtalyon that three log of drawn water (about 30 fl. oz.) will disqualify a mikvah; the Sages confirmed their testimony.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz