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Eduyos 3:12-4:1

Eduyos 3:12

Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah permitted three things that the Sages prohibited: he allowed his cow to go out on Shabbos with a strap between its horns (it wasn’t really his cow, it was his neighbor’s, but it is considered as if it were his since he did not object), an animal to be combed on yom tov (i.e., with a metal comb), and pepper to be ground in a mill on yom tov. Rabbi Yehuda says that one may not comb an animal with a metal comb on yom tov because it causes injury but one may use a wooden comb; the Sages permit neither a metal nor a wooden comb.

Eduyos 4:1

In the following matters, Beis Shammai are lenient and Beis Hillel are stringent. Beis Shammai say that an egg that was laid on yom tov may be eaten on yom tov but Beis Hillel say that it may not. Beis Shammai say that, on Passover, one is liable for possessing a leavening agent (seor) in the volume of an olive and chometz in the volume of a date; Beis Hillel say the volume for each of these is an olive.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz