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Eduyos 8:1-2

Eduyos 8:1

Rabbi Yehoshua ben Beseira testified that the blood of carrion (neveilah) is ritually clean. Rabbi Shimon ben Beseira testified that if a ritually-unclean person touched part of the ashes of a red heifer, he renders all of it ritually unclean. Rabbi Akiva added that if a tevul yom (a person who immersed but must wait until night to be purified) touched part of the fine flour, incense, frankincense or coals, he renders their entirety unfit for use.

Eduyos 8:2

Rabbi Yehuda ben Bava and Rabbi Yehuda the kohein testified that a minor orphan girl from an Israelite family who is married to a kohein may eat trumah from the time she enters the chuppah even though the marriage has not yet been consummated. Rabbi Yosi the kohein and Rabbi Zechariah ben Hakatzav testified about a young girl from Ashkelon who was taken as collateral against her family’s debt and her family did not let her marry a kohein (under the assumption that she might have been violated by her captors). The witnesses that she was taken also testified that she was never concealed or violated. The Sages told the family that if they accept the witnesses' testimony that the girl was taken as collateral, they should also accept their testimony that she was neither concealed nor violated. If they don’t accept that she was neither concealed nor violated, they shouldn’t accept that she was ever taken as collateral.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz