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Eduyos 8:3-4

Eduyos 8:3

An “isah” family is one that has unidentified members who are unfit for the priesthood. Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Yehuda ben Beseira testified that a woman who was widowed from such a family may marry a kohein. This is because an “isah” family can be relied upon regarding who is fit and unfit to marry a kohein (just like any other family). Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel accepted this testimony but considered it moot in practical application since Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakkai had already decreed not to permit this. Therefore, the kohanim only accept the word of an isah family regarding who not to marry but not about who they can marry.

Eduyos 8:4

Rabbi Yosi ben Yoezer of Tzereida testified that an “ayal kamtza” (a species of locust) is kosher, that liquids (i.e., blood and water) from the Temple slaughterhouse are ritually clean, and that if a corpse is in public, one is only rendered unclean if he unambiguously touched it. Because of these lenient positions, he was known as “Yosi the Permitter.”

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz