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Eduyos 8:5-6

Eduyos 8:5

Rabbi Akiva testified in the name of Nechemiah from Beis Deli that one may marry a woman based on the testimony of a single witness (that her previous husband has died). Rabbi Yehoshua testified regarding human bones that were found in the Temple woodshed (in the women’s courtyard): the Sages say that one collects them a bone at a time and everything in the Temple courtyard is ritually clean.

Eduyos 8:6

Rabbi Eliezer said that he heard from his teachers that when the (second) Temple was being built, they made hangings for the Temple and for the courtyard. The walls of the Temple were built outside their hangings, while the walls of the courtyard were built inside their hangings. Rabbi Yehoshua said that he heard from his teachers that one may offer sacrifices on the Temple Mount even when the Temple isn’t standing and that the kohanim may eat the sacrifices of the highest sanctity even when there are no hangings, that one may eat sacrifices of lesser sanctity and second tithe even when there is no city wall, because the original sanctification (of the Temple and Jerusalem) sanctified them both for that time and for the future.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz