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Avodah Zarah 1:2-3

Avodah Zara 1:2

Rabbi Yishmael says that the activities mentioned in the previous mishna are prohibited both three days prior to idolatrous holidays and three days after them. The Sages say these things are prohibited only prior to their holidays but they are permitted after their holidays.

Avodah Zara 1:3

Rabbi Meir says that the holidays in question are: Calends (first of the month), Saturnalia (leading up to winter solstice), Empire Day (celebrating the conquest of Alexandria), kings’ coronation days, kings’ birthdays and the anniversaries of their deaths. The Sages say that the anniversary of deaths of people for whom they burned the deceased’s possessions are idolatrous holidays but those for whom they did not burn the deceased’s possessions are not idolatrous holidays. As far as the day on which an idolator shaves his beard and hair, the day he returned from an ocean voyage, the day he was released from prison and the day he makes a wedding for his son –  it is only prohibited to do business on that day (as opposed to three days prior) and with that particular individual.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz