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Avodah Zarah 3:2-3

Avodah Zara 3:2

If a person finds pieces of graven images, it is permitted to derive benefit from them. If he found the shape of a hand or a foot, it is prohibited because such things are worshipped.

Avodah Zara 3:3

If a person finds utensils that are decorated with images of the sun, the moon or a dragon, he should throw them into the Dead Sea (because they were certainly made for idolatrous purposes). Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says that if the images are on valuable utensils, then they are prohibited but if they are on plain utensils, then they are permitted. Referring back to the first clause of the mishna, Rabbi Yosi says that one may grind up the utensil and scatter it to the wind or throw it into the sea (i.e., he need not take it to the Dead Sea). The Sages disagreed because scattering the dust makes fertilizer of it (which is a benefit), in violation of Deuteronomy 13:18, “Let nothing of the proscribed property remain in your hand” (i.e., one may not derive any benefit whatsoever from items of idolatry).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz