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Avos 2:16-3:1

Avos 2:16

Rabbi Tarfon used to say that one is not obligated to complete the task but that doesn’t exempt us from trying. If one has studied a lot of Torah, he will be paid a great reward because our Employer can be relied upon to pay us for our work. One should realize, however, that the reward for the righteous comes in the Next World.

Avos 3:1

Akavya ben Mahalalel said that we should consider three things that will keep us from sinning: we should be aware of where we came from, where we’re going, and before Whom we will have to give a reckoning. We came from a putrid drop, we’re going to a place of dust, worms and maggots, and we will have to give a reckoning before God, Who is the Supreme King of all kings.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz