2,389. New Vessels

Maachalos Assuros 11:16

Regarding the vessels discussed in the previous halacha, one may put beer, brine or fish juice in them right away, without purifying them. After putting brine or fish juice in them, one may then put wine in them because the salt purges them.

Maachalos Assuros 11:17

If a Jew buys new utensils that were not coated with pitch from a non-Jew, he may put wine in them right away without concern that non-Jewish wine might have been in them. If they were coated with pitch, he must scrub them even though they’re new. Similarly, any vessels used to hold non-Jewish wine for just a short time, like the bucket used to draw it from the vat, a funnel, etc. need merely to be rinsed with water and that’s enough.