2,387. Non-Jewish Vinegar

Maachalos Assuros 11:12

If a non-Jew crushes wine without touching it while a Jew watches, and then a Jew collects it in jugs, it is only prohibited for drinking.

Maachalos Assuros 11:13

It is prohibited to benefit from non-Jewish vinegar because it was like wine offered as a libation before it turned to vinegar. If a non-Jew was crushing grapes in a barrel, we’re not concerned that the wine was used as a libation. Let’s say that a non-Jew was eating from the grape baskets and he had some left over so he threw a seah or two (3-7 gallons) into the press. In such a case, he doesn’t render the wine prohibited as a libation, even though it splashes on the grapes.