2,385. Idolators vs. Non-Idolators

Maachalos Assuros 11:8

When we say that wine is prohibited, we mean the following: if the non-Jew who renders the wine prohibited worships idols, it is prohibited for benefit; if he doesn’t worship idols, it’s only prohibited for drinking. When the Rambam refers to a non-Jew without specifying, he means one who worships idols.

Maachalos Assuros 11:9

Only wine that is fit for the altar is used for libations to idols. Therefore, when the Sages prohibited regular non-Jewish wine and prohibited benefit from any wine handled by a non-Jew, they only enacted regarding wine that is fit for use as a libation. Therefore, if wine that was boiled was touched by a non-Jew, it’s not rendered prohibited. One may even drink it together with a non-Jew from the same cup. However, if a non-Jew touches diluted wine or wine that has started to turn but that can still be drunk, it is prohibited.