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Avos 6:11-Horayos 1:1

Avos 6:11

Everything that Hashem created in His world, He created only for His glory as per Isaiah 43:7, “Everything that is called by My Name, which I have created for My glory, I formed it; yes, I made it.” Similarly, Exodus 15:18 says, “Hashem will reign forever and ever.”


This mishna from the end of tractate Makkos (3:16) is traditionally recited at the conclusion of studying Avos.

Rabbi Chananya ben Akashya said that God wanted to grant merit to Israel, which is why He gave them so much Torah and so many mitzvos as per Isaiah 42:21, “Hashem was pleased for the sake of His righteousness to magnify the Torah and make it glorious.”

Horayos 1:1

If the court ruled it permissible to violate one of the commandments in the Torah and an individual went ahead and acted in error according to their ruling, whether they and he both did so at the same time, or they acted before him, or even if they didn’t act on their own ruling at all and only he acted upon it, in all of these cases, the individual is exempt because he relied on the court. If the court made an erroneous ruling and one of the members of the court knew that it was incorrect, or if one of the scholars who was fit to rule on matters of law knew that it was incorrect, and that person acted in accordance with the incorrect ruling, whether the court acted at the same time as him, or they acted before him, or even if they didn’t act on their own ruling at all and he did, in all of these cases, the person is liable because he didn’t rely upon the court (being qualified to rule himself). The general principle is that one who can rely upon himself in such matters is liable, while one who must rely upon the court is exempt.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz