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Horayos 2:3-4

Horayos 2:3

They are only liable to bring an offering when there is both a hidden matter on the part of the court and an unintentional action on the part of the community; the same is true of the Kohein Gadol. Also in cases involving idolatry, they are only liable when there is both a hidden matter and an unintentional action. The court is only liable if they issued a ruling for something that would incur kareis (spiritual excision) if done intentionally and a sin offering if done unintentionally; the same is true of the Kohein Gadol. Also in cases involving idolatry, they are only liable if they issued a ruling for something that would incur kareis if done intentionally and a sin offering if done unintentionally.

Horayos 2:4

They are not liable to bring an offering for erroneous rulings about the positive or negative mitzvah involving the Temple (i.e., regarding entering and exiting the Temple in a state of impurity), nor does one bring a conditional guilt offering for the positive or negative mitzvah involving the Temple, but they are liable for the positive and negative mitzvah involving a menstruant woman and one does bring a conditional guilt offering for the positive and negative mitzvah involving a menstruant woman. The positive mitzvah is for a man to separate himself from a menstruant woman; the negative mitzvah is not to approach her (sexually).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz