Parah 4:1-2
Parah 4:1
If the red heifer was slaughtered not for its intended purpose, if its blood was received or sprinkled not for its intended purpose, if this was done for its intended purpose plus for some other purpose, or for some other purpose plus its intended purpose, it is invalid, though Rabbi Eliezer rules it valid. If the ceremony was performed by a kohein with unwashed hands or feet, it is invalid though Rabbi Eliezer rules it valid. If it was performed by a kohein who wasn’t the Kohein Gadol, it is invalid, though Rabbi Yehuda rules it valid. If it was performed by a kohein not wearing all his garments, it is invalid. The red heifer was prepared in white garments.
Parah 4:2
If the cow was burned outside its pit or in two pits, or if two cows were burned in one pit, it is invalid. If the blood was sprinkled not in the direction of the Holy of Holies, it is invalid. If he made the seventh sprinkling from the sixth and then sprinkled the seventh again, it is invalid. If he sprinkled an eighth time from the seventh and then sprinkled an eighth time again, it is valid.