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Parah 11:5-6

Parah 11:5

Anyone who requires immersion in a mikvah under rabbinic law conveys ritual impurity to sanctified food and renders trumah unfit but such a person is permitted to eat unsanctified food and second tithe; this is the opinion of Rabbi Meir. The Sages, however, prohibit second tithe. After immersing in a mikvah, everything is permitted to him (even before the sun goes down). If he entered the Sanctuary, either before or after immersing, he is not subject to kareis.

Parah 11:6

Anyone who requires immersion in a mikvah, both under Biblical law and rabbinic law, conveys ritual impurity through contact and through carrying to sanctification water, the ashes of the red heifer and to the one who sprinkles the water. They also convey impurity through contact and carrying to the hyssop if it has been rendered susceptible to impurity (through contact with a liquid), to water that has not yet been sanctified and to an empty vessel that is ritually clean for the sanctification water; this is the opinion of Rabbi Meir. The Sages say they only convey impurity to these things through contact but not through carrying.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz