2,373. What Is Orlah?

Maachalos Assuros 10:8

The previous halacha (about kilei hakerem being prohibited by Biblical law) is only in Israel. Outside of Israel, kilai hakerem are forbidden under rabbinic law. In Hilchos Kilayim, we will IY”H discuss which species are and are not prohibited as kilei hakerem, how and when they’re rendered prohibited, when produce renders grapevines “sanctified” and when they don’t.

Maachalos Assuros 10:9

Orlah is as follows: When one plants a fruit tree, it is prohibited to eat or benefit from all the fruit of the first three years after being planted. This is based on Leviticus 19:23, “For three years, they shall be closed to you, they may not be eaten.” One who eats an olive-sized portion of this fruit is liable to lashes under Biblical law.