2,370. What Is Chadash?

Maachalos Assuros 10:2

Chadash is as follows: It is prohibited to eat any of the five species of grain before the omer is offered on 16 Nisan as per Leviticus 23:14, “Do not eat bread, roasted kernels or fresh kernels.” One who eats an olive-sized portion of fresh grain before the omer is offered is liable to the penalty of lashes. This prohibition applies in all times and places, both in and out of Israel, regardless of whether the Temple is standing. When the Temple is standing, once the omer has been offered, one may eat new grain in Jerusalem, while those farther away must wait until after midday. This is because the court will not be lazy with this mitzvah and allow it to go unperformed past midday. When the Temple isn’t standing, one may not eat chadash the entire day under Biblical law. Nowadays, in places where yom tov is observed for two days, chadash is prohibited all day on 17 Nisan until the evening by rabbinic enactment.

Maachalos Assuros 10:3

If a person eats an olive-sized portion each of bread, of roasted kernels and of fresh kernels, he is liable to three sets of lashes as per Leviticus 23:14, “Do not eat bread, roasted kernels or fresh kernels.” Our oral tradition teaches that each of these is a separate prohibition.