2,360. Stirring the Pot

Maachalos Assuros 9:10

The previous halacha applies when one didn’t stir the pot at first when milk fell into it, only at the end, and he didn’t cover the pot. If he stirred the pot from start to finish, or if he covered from when the milk fell into it until the end, then it depends on whether the milk imparted flavor. Similarly, if milk fell into sauce or onto all the pieces of meat so that it’s unknown where it fell, then one should stir the pot in order to mix all of its contents. If the taste of milk is throughout the pot, it’s prohibited, and if not, it’s permitted. If we can’t find a reliable non-Jew to taste the food, then we require a volume of 60 times, whether for meat that fell into milk or for milk that fell onto meat. If the measure is one in 60, the food is permitted; if it's one in less than 60, it’s prohibited.

Maachalos Assuros 9:11

If meat was cooked in a pot, milk may not be cooked in it. If one did cook milk in it, it’s prohibited if it imparted flavor.