2,357. Wild Animals or Birds in Milk

Maachalos Assuros 9:4

Similar to the previous halacha, the meat of a wild animal and the meat of a bird together with the milk of a wild or domesticated animal is not prohibited under Biblical law. One may therefore cook and benefit from such a mixture. It is prohibited to eat it under rabbinic law so that people shouldn’t become lax and violate the Biblical prohibition against milk and meat by eating meat of a kosher domesticated animal in milk of a kosher domesticated animal. Since the verse only seems to prohibit cooking a kid in the milk of its literal mother, they therefore prohibited all types of meat in milk.

Maachalos Assuros 9:5

It is permitted to eat fish and locusts in milk. If one slaughters a bird and finds finished eggs in it, they may be eaten with milk.