2,350. When the Butcher Has Lied

Maachalos Assuros 8:8

The previous halacha, about only buying meat from butchers with established reputations, only applies outside of Israel. In Israel, at a time when the population is wholly Jews, meat may be purchased from anyone.

Maachalos Assuros 8:9

If a butcher is considered trustworthy but he is found to have sold meat that was neveila or treifa, he must refund the money to his buyers, he is placed under a ban of excommunication and is discharged from his post. There’s no way for him to rectify this so that people can buy meat from him short of relocating to a place where he’s unknown and either returning a lost object of great value or slaughtering an animal for his own use and declaring it treif despite the great loss. These actions would demonstrate that he has repented without deception.