2,347. Liability for Eating the Gid HaNasheh

Maachalos Assuros 8:2

If someone eats the inner sciatic nerve from the socket, he is liable to lashes; if he eats its fat, the rest of the inner nerve, or the entire outer nerve, he is given stripes for acting rebelliously. In order to be liable, one must eat the volume of an olive; if someone ate the whole nerve from the socket, he is liable even for less than an olive’s volume because it's a complete entity.

Maachalos Assuros 8:3

If someone eats an olive’s volume of the nerve from the right and an olive’s volume of the nerve from the left, or if he ate two whole nerves even if they weren’t an olive’s volume, he receives two sets of lashes; he is lashed for each nerve separately.