2,334. Kishke and Fried Chicken

Maachalos Assuros 6:18

If a person filled intestines with roasted or cooked meat or with eggs and then cooked or roasted them, they are permitted because we don’t assume that there’s blood in intestines. This is a ruling of the Geonim.

Maachalos Assuros 6:19

Let’s say that someone coated birds with flour and roasted them, either whole or cut into pieces. If he coated them with coarse flour, one may eat the coating even if it turns red; this is because coarse flour crumbles and the blood flows out. If they were coated with dampened wheat flour, one may eat the coating if it’s white like silver. If such is not the case, it’s prohibited. If they were coated with other types of flour, they’re prohibited if they turn red and permitted if they don’t.