2,331. Roasting Meat

Maachalos Assuros 6:12

The above process for salting applies to meat for cooking. When roasting, one may salt the meat and roast it immediately. If one wants to eat raw meat, he must salt and wash it thoroughly. If he seals the blood in with vinegar, he may then eat the meat raw. It is permitted to drink the vinegar that was used to seal the blood in because vinegar doesn’t draw out the blood.

Maachalos Assuros 6:13

Vinegar that was used to seal blood in meat may not be used for this purpose a second time. If a piece of meat turns red in the vinegar, then both the meat and the vinegar are prohibited until the meat is well-salted and roasted. If meat turns red – and the same applies to an animal’s testes, their membranes and the neck, which contains large blood vessels filled with blood – one may cook them if they have been cut open and salted. If one didn’t cut them open and he roasted them on a spit, they may still be eaten so long as he roasted the neck with its opening facing downwards, or he roasted all of them directly on the coals.