2,327. The Blood in an Animal's Organs

Maachalos Assuros 6:4

One is not liable to kareis (excision) for eating blood that comes out slowly after the fast-flowing blood, or the blood of the organs like that of the spleen, kidneys, testes, the blood that collects in the heart when an animal is slaughtered and the blood of the liver. One who eats an olive-sized volume of it, however, is liable to the penalty of lashes, as per Leviticus 3:17, “Do not eat any blood.” As far as kareis, Leviticus 17:11 tells us that “the soul of the flesh is in the blood,” from which we learn that one is only liable to kareis for blood that causes an animal’s soul to depart.

Maachalos Assuros 6:5

If a fetus is found in an animal’s womb, its blood is like the blood of an animal that was born. Accordingly, one is liable if he eats the blood collected in its heart. The rest of its blood, however, is considered blood of an animal’s organs.