Removing Mayim Achronim From the Table

Q. Should the bowl of used mayim achronim water be removed from the table before benching?

A. The Kaf Hachaim (181:8) writes that it is proper to remove the bowl of mayim achronim water from the table before benching. (The implication is that it is proper, but it is not an absolute requirement.) It is also well known that common practice is to cover the bowl as an alternative to removing it from the table. What is the source and reason for this custom?

The Gemara Chulin (105b) states that Abayei originally thought that it is improper to wash mayim achronim over the ground because the water is dirty. (Rashi explains that since the water rinses food residue off the hands, the dirty water will develop a foul odor and become repulsive.) Subsequently, Abayei’s master (a reference to Rabah, who was his rebbi) taught him that mayim achronim should not be washed over the floor because the water contains ru’ach ra’ah (a bad or evil spirit which may harm people who step on it). A similar halacha is recorded regarding water that was used for handwashing in the morning (negel vasser). These waters also contain ru’ach ra’ah, as noted in the Zohar, and should not be poured on the ground (Beis Yosef, OC 4, and Shulchan Aruch OC 4:8).

The Sharei Teshuva (4:8) writes in the name of the Birkai Yosef and Rav Chaim Abulafia that it is improper to recite berachos in front of water that was used for (negel vasser), presumably because of the ru’ach ra’ah that is contained in the water. Since mayim achronim is also infected by ru’ach ra’ah, it can be assumed that it is customary to remove mayim achronim from the table or have it covered before benching so as not to recite the berachos in the presence of the evil spirit of ru’ach ra’ah. Though the Mishnah Berurah (181:6 and Beiur Halacha 181: s.v. Ella) writes that some poskim hold that mayim achronim is infected with ru’ach ra’ah only if spilled on the floor, but not if poured into a bowl, the Mishnah Berurah favors the opinion of the Levush, that no matter where mayim achronim is poured, it is permeated with ru’ach ra’ah.


The Gerald & Karin Feldhamer OU Kosher Halacha Yomis is dedicated to the memory of Rav Yisroel Belsky, zt"l, who served as halachic consultant for OU Kosher for more than 28 years; many of the responses in Halacha Yomis are based on the rulings of Rabbi Belsky. Subscribe to the Halacha Yomis daily email here.