2,324. A Live Fetus

Maachalos Assuros 5:13

If a person slaughters a pregnant kosher animal and finds a fetus inside it, either live or dead, the fetus may be eaten; even the placenta may be eaten. Let’s say that part of the placenta came out, after which one slaughtered the mother. If the placenta was connected to the fetus, the part that came out is prohibited and the rest is permitted; if it wasn’t connected to the fetus, then the entire placenta is prohibited out of concern that a fetus that was in this placenta might have disappeared and or that the placenta of the fetus in the womb might have disappeared. It goes without saying that if there’s no fetus in the womb at all, then a placenta is altogether prohibited.

Maachalos Assuros 5:14

If one finds a fetus alive in its mother’s womb, then it doesn’t require ritual slaughter even if it was carried for nine months and might survive. Rather, it’s valid based on the slaughter of its mother. Once it steps on the ground, the young animal requires ritual slaughter.