2,323. The Limb of a Fetal Animal

Maachalos Assuros 5:11

If a fetal animal’s limb emerges and is severed while it’s outside, before the mother is slaughtered, it’s like the limb of a live animal and one deserves lashes for eating it. This is so even if the fetus dies before the mother is slaughtered. If the limb is severed after the mother is slaughtered, one who eats it isn’t liable to lashes, not even if it dies. If the mother dies and one then severs the limb, one who eats it is liable to lashes for the limb of a live animal.

Maachalos Assuros 5:12

Let’s say that a fetal animal sticks out a limb, that limb becomes prohibited, and then the animal is born. If its female, we may not drink its milk out of doubt. This is because milk comes from all of the animal’s limbs and this animal has a limb that’s prohibited. It’s therefore like milk from a treifa that’s mixed with milk from a kosher animal.