2,320. Multiple Prohibitions for the Same Limb

Maachalos Assuros 5:5

If a person severs a limb from a live animal, rendering it a treifa in the process, then he is liable twice for eating it: once for the limb of a live animal and once for a treifa. He violates both of these prohibitions simultaneously. Similarly, if one severs forbidden fats from a live animal and eats it, he is liable twice: for the limb of a live animal and for forbidden fats. If he severs forbidden fats from a treifa, he is liable three times.

Maachalos Assuros 5:6

Let’s say that flesh has become disconnected from an animal so that a limb is hanging from it. If it’s not possible that this flesh will be a living part of the animal again, it’s prohibited but one isn’t liable to lashes for eating it. This is so even if it wasn’t severed until after the animal was slaughtered. If the animal dies, the limb is consider to have fallen off while the animal was still alive and one is lashed for eating it because of the limb of a live animal. However, if the limb could be a living part of the animal again and the animal is properly slaughtered, then it’s permitted.