2,319. The Volume of an Eiver Min HaChai

Maachalos Assuros 5:3

One is only liable to the penalty of lashes if he eats an olive-sized piece of the limb of a living animal. Even if a person eats an entire limb or organ, if it’s olive-sized, he’s liable and if not, he’s exempt. If a person severed an olive-sized piece of flesh, sinew and bone from the limb as it was created and he ate it, he’s liable even if there was only a tiny bit of meat. However, if one separated a limb that he severed from a living animal, removing the flesh from the sinew and the bone, he isn’t liable to lashes until he eats an olive-sized volume of meat; the bone and sinew are no longer included in the volume because he altered it from its creation.

Maachalos Assuros 5:4

If one divides the aforementioned organ and eats it a little at a time, he’s liable to lashes if there’s an olive-sized volume of meat among what he ate; if such isn’t the case, he’s exempt. If he took an olive-sized piece of a limb with its flesh, sinew and bone as it was created and ate it, he’s liable even though it separates in his mouth before he swallows.