2,311. Understanding Treifos

Maachalos Assuros 4:9

The Torah’s intention is to tell us that a mortally wounded animal that won’t survive its injuries is prohibited. The Sages stated a general rule that when an animal in a given state won’t survive, it’s a treifa. We will discuss what does and what doesn’t make an animal a treifa in Hilchos Shechitah, IY”H.

Maachalos Assuros 4:10

If a person cuts meat from a live kosher animal, he is lashed for eating a treifa because this meat comes from an animal that (a) hasn’t been ritually slaughtered and (b) hasn’t died. It makes no difference whether the animal was mauled by a predator or cut by a knife, nor does it make a difference if it was injured in total or only in part. The Torah says, “Don’t eat meat that was torn in the field.” This animal was turned into meat in the field, so it’s a treifa.