2,308. More About Neveilos

Maachalos Assuros 4:3

If a person eats a kosher bird of any size, he is liable to lashes for eating a neveila even if he ate smaller than an olive-sized portion; this is because he ate it in its entirety. If he ate it after it died, he isn’t liable unless it was at least the size of an olive. Even if it doesn’t have an olive’s volume of meat on it, since it is altogether the size of an olive, he is liable for eating a neveila.

Maachalos Assuros 4:4

If a person eats an olive-sized piece of a miscarriage from a kosher animal, he is liable to lashes for eating a neveila. It is prohibited to eat from a newborn animal until the night of its eighth day. Whenever an animal hasn’t lived eight days, it’s considered a miscarriage but one isn’t lashed for eating from it. If the animal is known to have been born after a full pregnancy – which is nine months for large livestock and five months for small livestock – then it’s permitted on the day of its birth.