2,297. Milk and Eggs From Non-Kosher Animals and Birds

Maachalos Assuros 3:5

An infant may nurse even until age four or five. However, if he was weaned for three days or longer – in good health and not from illness – he should not be returned to nursing. This is the case after 24 months; if he was weaned within 24 months – even for a month or two – he may be returned to nursing until 24 months is reached (but no longer).

Maachalos Assuros 3:6

Even though milk from a non-kosher animal and eggs from a non-kosher bird are prohibited under Biblical law, lashes are not administered because of them. Leviticus 11:8 says, “Do not eat of their flesh”; lashes are administered because of their flesh but not because of their eggs or their milk. One who eats these things is like one who eats half the volume of something prohibited: it’s prohibited under Biblical law but lashes are not administered for it. Rather, one receives stripes for acting rebelliously.