2,292. Creatures That Departed Their Place of Origin

Maachalos Assuros 2:19

The previous halacha (about drinking water with swarming things in it) only applies when the creatures never left the place where they came into existence. If they did, then even if they later return to the vessel or the well, they are prohibited. If they departed for the walls of the barrel and then fell back into the water or the beer, they remain permitted. Similarly, if they departed for the walls of the well or the cave and then returned to the water, they remain permitted.

Maachalos Assuros 2:20

If a person strains wine, vinegar or beer and then eats the bugs and worms that he strained out, he is liable to lashes for eating a swarming thing of the water, or a swarming thing that flies and a swarming thing of the water. This is so even if they returned to the vessel after being strained out because they left the place where they came into being. If they didn’t leave that place, then one may drink without hesitation as has already been discussed.