Shouldn’t every member of Klal Yisrael have easy access to Torah study – anytime, anywhere? Together, let’s connect more Jews around the world with the transformative power of Torah learning. By sponsoring a shiur, a Daf, or an entire day of learning across our platforms, you can illuminate the lives of families like yours – young professionals, busy moms, retired men anchored in Torah study, and teens searching for meaning.
Your sponsorship will keep our platform updated with new exciting content and user-friendly, with the intuitive capabilities you’ve come to love. With new shiurim and expanded access, we’ll be able to reach more members of Klal Yisrael than ever before.
And, you can make it happen.
If All Torah apps are enhancing your life, please pay it forward by enabling more users to log into OU Torah than ever before. Like you, they’ll be forever grateful.
Because it’s impossible to study Torah every day and not be a changed person.