Bishul Akum: Fit for a King - or Just for King Kong?
Potato chips and potatoes au gratin - would the Torah really care about the difference? How can a decision by the White House caterer make my dishes traif? Rabbi David Cohen, Rabbinic Coordinator, OU Kashruth Division, solves some of the puzzles of Bishul Akum. If you have questions or comments for Rabbi Cohen please send them to: {encode="" title=""}
Bishul Akum: The Written Law About What's Eaten Raw
When is a carrot not kosher? How could a mushroom be acceptable in America and traif in Israel? Rabbi David Cohen, Rabbinic Coordinator, OU Kashruth Division, reveals some of the secrets behind the concept of Bishul Akum. If you have questions or comments for Rabbi Cohen please send them to: {encode="" title=""}